Members of the Transition Year Students class from Castleisland Community College are organising an open evening at the college on Thursday, May 26th from 7pm to 8pm.
Local political representatives on Kerry County Council and in Dáil Éireann, along with members of the public, will be invited to the event.
The invitation will also extend to locals who wish to help the students in their aims and get involved in creating a better environment and a more attractive town centre.
Exhibit Ideas
“We will exhibit our ideas that we envisage will make Castleisland a better place to work and live in.
“Over the past four months we have been tirelessly working along with the help of the Irish Architecture Foundation and our teacher, Mr. Joy,” said class spokesperson, Saoirse Casey.
“We have been involved in the ‘Architect in Schools’ initiative to see what needs to happen in Castleisland to bring life back into the town centre.
New Ideas for Old Buildings
“With the help of Architect, Tadgh McMullen (B.Sc. B.Arch M.R.I.A.I.) we have developed new ideas for renovations of old buildings that lie derelict within the town and simple improvements elsewhere that may have been overlooked to date.
“Our ideas range from bus shelters – which do not exist at present – to transforming a disused public building into a creative hub of artistic and cultural excellence to mention but a few.
“This is your opportunity to get involved with the future of Castleisland and help us implement some of our ideas – and improve life in the town for everybody,” said Saoirse on behalf of her fellow students and their teacher, Aidan Joy.