In the course of my fairly frequent forays into the archives I find pictures that I’d forgotten I’d taken and I save them out of their folders for use at some time or other. This is one of them.
It’s from the Castleisland Desmonds Family Fun Day from the summer of 2005. and the boys in the pictured are really getting stuck in.
Name the Players
I put a general caption on the picture at the time and probably had to head off somewhere else after.
I’ve come to know most of the faces since and I’d like to invite anyone who knows all or some of the names to write them in.
Strapping Young Men
This is from 11 years ago and these lads are all fine, strapping, young men by now.
Caption: Life’s a struggle: These young Castleisland Desmonds’ footballers throwing everything into their U-6 challenge game during Sunday’s annual Family Day. The game ended in a draw and there were medals for all. ©Photograph: John Reidy 22/05/2005
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