Castleisland Community College has been asked to provide the Thought for the Day for Radio Kerry in conjunction with Fair Trade Fortnight.
The thought of the day goes on air at 7.30am and again at 12noon all this week up to Friday.
Fair Trade School
“Castleisland Community College is a fair trade school which means that it only buys fair trade tea and coffee,” teacher, Doreen Killington explained.
“It was awarded the fair trade certificate in 2015. All the local supermarkets in town supply fairtrade tea and coffee.
“Fairtrade doesn’t cost the consumer any more money, it just means the money paid for the item is more fairly distributed.
A Profound Effect
Simple everyday activities like doing our shopping can have a profound effect on the lives of people thousands of miles away.
“For many farmers in the developing world the price they receive for the goods we buy from them is often not enough to cover their basic costs.
Basic Needs
“Nor do the prices they receive allow them to meet their basic needs for food, healthcare and education.
“Look out for the fairtrade logo the next time you shop for tea, coffee, bananas, chocolate and even cotton clothing,” said Ms. Killington.
Find out more about how Fair Trade works with a click on the link here:
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