Menopause is a time many women dread and it can be with good reason.
It may mean mood swings, tiredness, changes to periods and hot flushes. Many are unaware that phasing into menopause can take as long as five to 10 years, this phase of life is known as perimenopause.
During this time, your body undergoes several hormonal changes which are responsible for the change in how you are feeling. Oestrogen levels start to fall as do progesterone levels and this can mean changes in your hair, skin, energy, sleep and hormones. This can continue for several months or years or vary from month to month; it can also be dependent on factors such as stress, sleep, exercise and your diet.
But with the right diet and nutritional support you can help to manage the way you feel.
Things You Can Do
Reduce stress levels by cutting out caffeine and taking time to enjoy your life. Meditation has also been proven to help ease cortisol spikes and calm a busy or worried mind.
Support your body by taking B vitamins which have been proven to help reduce stress and support hormonal production.
Replace the oestrogen lost with a weaker plant-based oestrogen that will help give a natural boost to lowered levels.
Omega 3 Intake
Support the brain and cardiovascular function by increasing your Omega 3 intake which will help cognition and also skin and heart health.
Make sure you keep your bones and thyroid healthy by maintaining vitamin D levels.
Supplementation will help. Try Cleanmarine® MenoMin, which is an all-in-one combination of Omega 3 krill oil, B vitamins, soy isoflavones, rosemary extract, folate, biotin and vitamin D that can provide women 35-plus with the right nutrients to help them move towards this phase of their life.
Cleanmarine® MenoMin is available in Slice of Life, 75-79 Main Street, Castleisland, Co Kerry. Tel: 066 71 42 358 & Slice of Life, Main Street, Abbeyfeale, Co Limerick.Tel: 068 32 655
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