Following the recent meeting of Castleisland Desmonds GAA Club the following officers have been elected for 2019:
President: Donal Kelliher; Vice-Presidents: Dr. Dave Geaney, Jim Greaney, John Joe Walsh, Kevin Dillon, Billy Broderick, Mary Horan and Mary Murphy.
Chairperson: William O’Connor; Vice-Chair: Michael J. Kearney; Secretary: Colm Kirwan; Treasurer: Angela Ring O’Donoghue; PRO: Pat Hartnett, print media; assistant PRO: James Lyons; Gerard Murphy, Social Media PRO.; County Board delegate: Sean McCarthy; Child Welfare Officer: Eileen Brosnan; Insurance: Denny Lyons; Coaching: John Breen; Pitch/Club Development: Martin Downey and Scor/Irish Officer: Tomás Ó Conchúir.
Denis O’Donovan is also a member of the executive and the ladies and juvenile sections of the club are both entitled to nominate two representatives each.
Jimmy O’Connell and Sean McCarthy will represent the club in North Kerry and Jimmy O’Connell and Colm Kirwan are the delegates to St. Kieran’s.
Senior Manager: John Brennan with selectors: Nelius Lyons and Martin O’Donoghue. Minor Managers: Domo Lyne and Martin O’Donoghue.
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