Many tables were turned on Thade O’Donoghue at his retirement party at Hughes’ Bar in Cordal on Saturday night.
Thade stepped down as care-taker of the local community centre and everything that moved in and around it.
The many people for whom he was there in the course of his tenure at the centre, were there for him on Saturday night.
Loyalty to his Place
There were presentations and tributes to his loyalty to his place and to his area of responsibility within the parish over all those years.
Cordal GAA Club Chairman, Maurice Costello and the just retired secretary, Richard O’Donoghue spoke as one in praising the beyond the call of duty work carried out by Thade over the past couple of decades.
Preparations of the hall and facilities for card games, football matches, functions and parties were all part of Thade’s relationship with his community, friends and neighbours.
All Kinds of Tasks
In paying his own tribute to Thade, Charlie Farrelly said that during his 21 years of service to the community, Thade was called upon to carry out all kinds of tasks there and could even be found on duty out on the field as well.
Going back over his time there, Thade himself said that he’ll miss the banter that was part of the place every morning.
Four Walls and a Kitchen
“When I went in there first there was little more than the four walls and a kitchen – there was nothing there that time,” said Thade.
“A lot of people put a lot of work into the place since then but, to tell the truth, there’d be nothing there only for Charlie Farrelly – he was the man who got the place up and going to the stage it’s at today.
Couldn’t be Better
“I made great friends there and I was very lucky with my RSS supervisor, Joanne O’Sullivan and the NEWKD the organisation she worked for – they couldn’t have been better.
“I’ve no notion of retiring altogether and, like I told them last Saturday night, I’m only a phone call away if they’re ever stuck for a bit of help at any time,” said Thade in conclusion.
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