Greatly encouraged by the response to their call last week for interested members of the public to help form a Castleisland First Responder unit, the organisers have slotted in an important meeting for this Friday evening at 7:15pm.
Community Engagement Officer
The meeting will be held again at the ‘Old Library’ at the top-of-the-town and its importance lay in the fact that it will be attended by Mark Callinan a paramedic and community engagement officer with the national ambulance service.
“We are having another meeting this Friday evening at the old library to further discuss and to progress with the setting up of the Castleisland Community First Responder Group,” said group spokesman, Andrerw Foran.
Requirements Explained
“Mark Callinan will be explaining the requirements on setting up a CFR group and going through all that is involved in making this a reality for our town and surrounding areas,” said Andrew.
“The purpose of the group is to provide local, trained volunteers to assist the National Ambulance Service responding to high priority emergencies where early intervention may be the difference between life or death.
Ambulance Control Activated
“These volunteers will be activated by ambulance control when a call is made for a stroke, chest pain, cardiac arrest or a person choking within the area of Castleisland, Cordal, Currow and Scartaglen.
“Free training will be provided to the volunteers who will become part of an on-call rota system to respond to emergencies.
The scheme does not replace the ambulance service but compliments it.
Learn More
“Interested persons are asked to attend this Friday’s meeting to learn more about the scheme set up and how to get involved and we would also like to thank the people who attended our meeting last week,” said Mr. Foran.
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