Christmas Day 2019 Record Set for GOAL Mile

GOAL Mile organiser, Denis Brosnan presenting a cheque to Mary Neligan, Oilean Beo with James O’Shea, manager An Ríocht AC (left), Hugh O’Brien and Noreen McGuire, Oileán Beo. Back row: Bernadette Fitzgerald, An Ríocht AC; Oorla Casey, Oileán Beo; Bill Costello, An Ríocht AC and Seán Hanly, Oileán Beo. Photograph: John Reidy

All who took part in the Christmas Day 2019 GOAL Mile charity event at An Ríocht AC in Castleisland could well be entitled to take a little bow.

The participants, on that special of special days, set a new record for the event in terms of numbers participating and, as you might expect, for the total amount of money collected for the nominated charities.

Gratefully Collected and Distributed

In 2018 a figure of just over €2,786 was gratefully collected and distributed by the organising committee under the guidance of Denis Brosnan.

However, this figure was upped to the tune of over €3,200 for event 2019 and on its 20th anniversary to boot.

“We were delighted to see the extra crowds here on Christmas morning and we knew then we would have extra funds to distribute to our charities,” said Denis at the presentation of the cheques during the week.

All Started in 1999

“Though it has become something of a tradition in the area now for families and people home for Christmas to drop down and meet neighbours and friends here, we never know what to expect when you throw in the unpredictability of the weather – but this year was the best we’ve had since it all started in 1999.

Physical and Financial Support

“We’d hope to take the opportunity to thank all our joggers and social walkers for both their physical and financial support and we hope they have a healthy and happy new year and we’ll see them all here again on Christmas morning 2020,” said Denis.

This Year’s Recipients

This year the fund was divided between GOAL’s Syrian Refugee Children’s Fund and two Castleisland based charities namely: St. John of God /Oileán Beó Craft Co-Op and Castleisland Day Care Centre.