Close Schools Now – Siobhán O’Mahony pleads – From the Italian Lock-down Zone

Siobhán O’Mahony, a Castlegregory native with her little boy, Liam living in the locked down area of northern Italy.

“Please put pressure on the Irish government NOW to start closing schools immediately and not allow children or groups of young to hang around together,” – that’s the opening line of a post by Castlegregory native Siobhán O’Mahony.

Siobhán is a teacher of English in the Ziano Piacentino, area of northern Italy and a family relative.

Doctors and Nurses Choosing Who to Save 

“I am writing to you from Italy in lock down. We have a far superior health system to Ireland but it has got completely swamped and doctors and nurses are having to choose who to save – the elderly are being skipped to save people in their 50s or 60s.

Washing Your Hands Is Not  Enough

“Ireland has a head start so use it!!! In the last three weeks we have gone from five corona-virus cases to over 10,000 now.

“We have always been one step behind this virus. The Irish government should stop worrying about disrupting people’s lives and think about saving them. Please share,” Siobhán pleaded.