The Castleisland Community College Global Gang consists of fifth year students involved in environmental projects throughout the school year.
Their 2019/20 project tackled the subject of climate change and how to live a more sustainable life and it earned them the runners up spot at last week’s Eco Unesco National Awards.
The students believe that small acts multiplied by many people can transform the world.
An Eco-Friendlier Lifestyle
They focused on taking steps towards an eco-friendlier lifestyle and a more sustainable world such as recycling, buying FSC products and planting pollinator friendly plants.
It was a cross curricular project that began in Transition Year and the dedicated students continued with the project in fifth year.
They have certainly gained in their knowledge of sustainability and climate change which will certainly advance them in Leaving Certificate subjects such as Geography, Business, Home Economics, English, Woodwork and Art.
Progression of Skills
Their project has also seen them all progress in their presentation, communication, IT and artistic skills.
The competition has certainly grown over the years with 300 entries approximately four years ago when the school first entered to over 500 entries this year.
The Young Environmentalist Awards encourages students to play their role in protecting our planet.
Inspired, Educated and Empowered
The competition inspired, educated, empowered and supported the students to act. It has shown them that they can make a difference.
Whilst there has certainly been some disappointment at not achieving the fourth national title in a row there is always next year,” concluded Ms. Killington.