A reminder of the notice from Colas Teoranta and Roadbridge Joint Venture on behalf of Transport Infrastructure Ireland of the temporary bypass closure for the next two days from this morning at 8am to 4pm and the same tomorrow.
The notice urges awareness of plans to close over a period of the two days to facilitate routine maintenance works.
The closure and work schedule, the third so far this year on the almost ten-year-old bypass, includes: grass cutting; weed spraying; drain cleaning; hedge cutting; litter picking and road sweeping.
The intention is to close the northbound dual carriageway between the roundabout with the N23 to the south and the L2041 and repeat this on the southbound carriageway the following day.
The program for the closures is as follows: North-bound closure on Monday, September 21st. from 8am to 4pm.
South-bound closure on Tuesday, September 22nd from 8am to 4pm. During this time, traffic will be diverted through Castleisland.
With traffic flow back to the levels of the pre-Covid-19 era, the diversion of traffic on these two days will add greatly to the volumes through the town. Care will have to be taken by all concerned, drivers and pedestrians alike as a result.
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