Remembering Lovely Kerrie
The first anniversary mass for the lovely Kerrie Browne took place in St, Carthage’s church on Saturday evening.
Joining the mass by live stream, it was lovely to be part of an important ritual by Kerrie’s family and friends as they continue to celebrate her life and memory. The Parish weekly live stream masses are fantastic and I would encourage any technically proficient individuals to reach out to less techy parish members and assist them in accessing this wonderful service.
Gone With the Wind
With much disappointment, Brosna exited the Junior Premier Club Championship competition in Austin Stack Park on 4th October.
In a lacklustre and frustrating game, Ballydonoghue prevailed by sneaking over the line in the dying minutes of the game, winning by a mere two points.
The old Irish proverb ni hé lá na gaoithe lá na scolb – advising against going thatching on a windy day, could very well have been applied to footballing on the day.
The storm and rain created the worst conditions for a game of precision football. Passes and scores went awol for both teams. It was slow progress with an unnecessary amount of gamesmanship that would have made the match exceptionally dull viewing even for interested parties. We salute our team for its efforts in getting so far in this prestigious competition. It’s a testament to the fitness and commitment from everyone involved.
Covid – Negative Coverage
With the upsurge in cases across the country, there’s a lot of negative coverage about group gatherings and parties flouting the guidelines laid down by the Government.
Let’s remember there will always be those who flout rules.
Whether they be young people who feel they are immortal and that illness and death is only something that visits the old.
Perhaps it’s those groups in society who enjoy flouting any rules that get in the way of their personal desires.
It is a pointless exercise railing against these individuals.
Instead, those of us who wish to stay safe and keep those we love safe, should continue to do our best in our own little corner of the universe.
Stay safe everyone.