Kerry Writers’ Museum Inter-generational Project Goes Online

A pre-Covid launch in early March of the soon after postponed Together Project at Kerry Writers’ Museum, Listowel.  Seated: Godfrey Coppinger with Lenamore National School pupils, Dillon Stack and Katelynn Kennelly. Back row: Tara Lynch, Ms. Mulvihill, teacher, Lenamore National School; Gabriel Fitzmaurice, Liam Hanrahan, Seán Ó Scanláin-Kennelly, Logan O’Sullivan, Elisa Greaney, SNA and Mathew Saint John.

The Together Project at Kerry Writers’ Museum, Listowel will commence a programme of virtual workshops in storytelling, creative writing and traditional music in the coming weeks and is inviting people from throughout County Kerry to participate.

The Together Project is a collaborative arts based inter-generational project by Kerry Writers’ Museum and Fighting Words Kerry which aims to link young and older people in the community together through creativity.

The Project is supported by Creative Ireland Kerry and the Kerry County Arts Office.

On Hold Due to Covid-19 

“We started this new arts based project in early March and had received a tremendous response from all ages, but unfortunately had to put it on hold due to Covid-19 lockdown,” said Cara Trant, museum manager.

“Since then we have been exploring ways of how to deliver the project in a safe environment, particularly as it is targeted at one of the vulnerable sectors of the community,” Ms. Trant continued.

Running Virtual Events

Over the past few months we have run a number of virtual events including Listowel International Storytelling Festival and local history lectures which have proved a great success.

“This has given us great encouragement with regard to delivering The Together Project through an online platform,” said Cara.

Invitation to All Ages

The Together Project is inviting young people aged 8 to 17 years and older people aged 60 years plus to participate and aims to encourage communication and empathy between both age groups.  The storytelling programme will be directed by medicinal storyteller Maria Gillen and will focus on the power of story to encapsulate resilience.

Bridging the Age Gaps

Creative writing workshops will focus on using creative writing techniques to bridge the divide between young and older people.

All workshops are free of charge and will be delivered online via ZOOM.

More Information

For further information on the Together Project and how to participate, email or visit:

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