All at Muire Gan Smál Primary School, Castleisland are proud to have been awarded an SFI Discover Science and Maths Award.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. STEM enables children to develop their problem solving, technical, creative and critical thinking skills.
The idea is to equip the future workforce with these skills as they are the drivers of our economy.
Engagement in Science Investigations
“Throughout the year children engaged in science investigations which involved using science, maths or engineering skills to solve problems,” said Principal Seamus Moynihan.
“The school participated in the SFI Science week in November and STEPS Engineering week in February, they exhibited their STEM projects at St. Josephs Presentation school STEM showcase and received an award for best engineering project.
Learning to Code
“Martha O’Mahony ran a STEM club where children learned to code and build robots using beebots, Lego Wedo and iPads; they designed, built and launched rockets; investigated the chemistry behind lava lamps and, given a real life scenario, they designed and built weight bearing bridges.
Digital Schools Stem Cluster
“Muire Gan Smál is part of a Digital Schools Stem cluster with Presentation Secondary School; their aim is to promote children’s interest and develop skills in STEM.
“STEM is the new buzz word in Muire Gan Smál. Now after achieving this award in recognition for their work in STEM there will be no holding them back in their enthusiasm for science,” said an equally enthusiastic Mr. Moynihan.
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