The Minister for Education Norma Foley TD has today announced the sanction of a new, four-classroom school building for Knocknagoshel National School.
In total, the build will provide for four general classrooms, a GP room, a library/resource area and ancillary accommodation.
Project Approved
This project has been approved under the Department’s Major Capital Programme as part of Project Ireland 2040.
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) between Kerry ETB and the Department will be formally agreed before a design team is appointed to deliver the project.
A Welcome Development
“I am very pleased to announce the news that a new school has been sanctioned for Knocknagoshel national school,” said Minister Foley.
“This is a welcome development for the close-knit rural community in Knocknagoshel and its hinterland.
“This announcement is a recognition of the importance of the provision of excellence in education to boys and girls in a rural community,” she said.
Sites in the Village
Locals believe that one of two possible sites within the village and at opposite ends, will be chosen as the one for the new building.
This will replace the current Scoil Mhuire in the centre of the village which has been the site of schools since the early to mid 1800s.
“At least it will be kept in the village if either of the two sites being mentioned are picked as the location. It would be a pure disaster if it was moved out as it has been at the heart of the village since it was built and opened all those years ago,” said a member of the local community after Minister Foley’s announcement this morning.
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