Castleisland Desmonds GAA Club Lotto Going Totally On-Line

At the launch of Castleisland Desmonds GAA Club On-Line Lotto on Friday evening were, front from left: Eilish O’Leary, PRO; Noah Fitzgerald, Sam McCarthy and Angela Ring-O’Donoghue, treasurer. Second row, from left: Irish rugby team Captain Ciara Griffin and Brian Leonard, launch guests and Aileen Lynch, Desmonds ladies club. Back from left: Willie Dom O’Connor, club chairman; Martin Downey, Gerard Murphy, ladies club PRO; Denis O’Donovan, secretary; Seán McCarthy and Jeremy Burke. ©Photograph John Reidy
You can play the just launched Castleisland Desmonds GAA Club On-Line Lotto with a click on the ticket above.

Castleisland Desmonds GAA Club members have launched their new club lotto which is now going entirely online.

The closure of pubs over recent times, due to Covid 19, and the move towards more people using social media, inspired the club officers to engage with Lottoraiser  – the company responsible for the online system.

Club members find that the system is very easy to use with access on any mobile, PC or tablet through the link at the end of this article.

On-Line Tickets and Card Payment

The ‘online ticket’ can be filled out and credit card or debit card details are used for the purchases. The club’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts will also have the link and share regular updates on the lotto draws which will take place monthly.

The jackpot stands at €6,100 with €150 to be divided between those that match three numbers in every draw. 

Ciara and Brian Launch Lotto

To launch the new initiative, Ireland Ladies Rugby Captain and former Desmonds ladies player Ciara Griffin was joined by senior Desmonds and Kerry player, Brian Leonard.

Members of the club executive: Chairman Willie Dom O’Connor; Secretary Denis O’Donovan; PRO Eilish O’Leary; Treasurer Angela Ring-O’Donoghue; Ladies PRO Gerard Murphy and club members: Jeremy Burke, Aileen Lynch, Martin Downey and Sean McCarthy along with representatives of a new generation of players: Noah Fitzgerald and Sam McCarthy and were all in attendance.

A Poignant Occasion

The occasion was very poignant also for the club as one key member, Colm Kirwan R.I.P. was absent.

Colm’s tireless and years of work on the ‘traditional’ Lotto tour was remarked upon and he was certainly in everyone’s thoughts during Friday evening’s launch. 

“I would like to acknowledge the tremendous work carried out by a number of Desmonds members over the years,” said Willie Dom O’Connor.

Huge Background Work

“They held Lotto draws monthly in the local pubs but there was a huge amount of work done in the background and I would like to thank them most sincerely.

“We look forward to this new way of doing the lotto draws in the future and we look forward to the continued support of the community,” he said.

You can play the Castleisland Desmonds GAA Club Lotto with a click on the link here:

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