Surveying the estimated cast of the 2022 Patrick O’Keeffe Traditional Music Festival due over the days of the October (27th to 31st) bank holiday weekend, festival President Pats Broderick predicts that there will be tents in every field between here and Cordal if even half of those on the list turn up.
That may be only a small exaggeration but the list of musicians and their friends looks daunting from an accommodation point of view.
Best P O’K Fest in Years
This is likely to be one of the best of the O’Keeffe festivals in years and it’s the first five-day event in its 30 year history and that fact alone is the reason for the appeal for accommodation being circulated by the festival organisers.
The line-up is well in hand and there will be some mighty music and sessions in town over that elongated weekend – but where will they sleep?
Beds or Rooms to Rent
An appeal to people in the general area to provide beds to rent – not necessarily with breakfast – is being put out there now in preparation for the festival.
The pub situation is an ever diminishing circle in rural Ireland in recent years. For the first Patrick O’Keeffe festival in 1993 Castleisland had 18 or so working pubs within the confines of the town. They were put to the pins of their collars then and for years after – but they managed.
Pubs Down to Eight
Now that number has been whittled down to eight and there will be a lot of thirsty music followers in Castleisland on that weekend.
People in a position to provide a bed or rooms or a house are being asked to call or text with details to: 087 2359467.
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