Transition year students, under the guidance of teacher Elaine Murphy, have undertaken a mentoring programme with first year students to help them settle into secondary school life.
The TYs have accompanied first year students on walks and have facilitated fun activities including a First Year Basketball Blitz on the final day of term, that saw first years arranged into 12 mixed teams with five-a-side on each team.
“The blitz was a resounding success with the finale involving a challenge match between the teachers and SNAs against the transition year students,” said teacher and observer, Doreen Killington.
Brief Training for Teachers
“Coach Justin Bennett briefly trained the teachers ‘dream team’ before the greatly anticipated game. The student spectators cheered on the transition year players and teachers. It was a closely contested match with the referee – Maurice Casey showing slight favouritism towards the teachers! Super sub Peter Stack was eventually persuaded to display his talents much to the delight of his enthusiastic first year fan club,” said Ms. Killington.
Energetic and Skillful TYs
“The young, energetic and skillful transition year team managed to draw against the slightly slower and more aged teacher team.
“The spectators voted retired Kerry Minor footballer – Fergus O’Connor the Most Valuable Player or MVP in basketball language.
“The game was a joy to watch and a superb ending to the term. Maith sibh uilig,” she concluded.
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