Low Take Up Nationally For Vacant House Improvement Scheme Grant Funding 

Deputy Michael Healy Rae has asked why there is not more urgency by the Department especially for people who want to help improve their own vacant properties.

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has confirmed to date, that only 765 applications nationwide were received with only 105 approved with another 558 still not even evaluated by the body – according to Deputy Michael Healy Rae. 

It was also revealed to Deputy Healy Rae by way of written parliamentary question reply that 102 were rejected outright.

It has led to the Kerry Deputy condemning the Government’s progress in their Pathway Four of Housing for All programme which has seen little take up nationally for two schemes which are open to address vacant house needs and make efficient use of existing housing stock.

Townscapes Blighted

“Our townscapes are blighted by many vacant properties which are in dire need of help of funding and despite these Schemes run under the auspicious of the Croí Cónaithe Towns Fund promising to help people who wish to make those vacant properties livable, we have a slow uptake and an even slower turnaround time with almost half of those applicants reviewed to date being refused funding. I think there needs to be serious questions asked as to why there is not more urgency by the Department especially for people who want to help improve their own vacant properties and make them livable,” said Deputy Healy Rae following his reply.

Croí Cónaithe Towns Fund

Dublin between their three county councils have only received 26 applicants with only one case to date approved for funding. Cork has seen the most interest nationally with 92 applicants of which ten have been grant while another 73 await decisions.

In July 2022, the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant was launched as part of the Croí Cónaithe Towns Fund. While in September 2022, the Ready to Build Scheme was launched, also funded by the Croí Cónaithe Towns Fund.

On-Going Review 

The schemes are being kept under on-going review with a full review to take place by mid-2024.

Meanwhile Deputy Michael Healy Rae said he was disappointed that in his own county of Kerry of the 16 grants that were reviewed that only six were approved with ten rejected for funding, while another 48 cases are still awaiting decision.

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