Currow Rural Development Group Delighted at Speed Sign Reversal

Elected representatives, Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald and Cllr. Charlie Farrelly pictured on July 14th with members of the Currow Rural Development Group and protest supporters with Chairman Damien Boyle (right) and his children, Selena and Killian at the speed limit sign removal protest. Included are: Eileen O’Connor, Noel Reidy, Marie Hillard, Elizabeth O’Sullivan, Seamus O’Sullivan, Cllr. Fitzgerald and Cllr.Farrelly, Theresa Walsh, Eleanor Hiley, Ann Kelly and Ulick Walsh. ©Photograph: John Reidy

Castleisland Area Engineer, Jimmy O’Leary was in touch with members of the Currow Rural Development Association this Wednesday morning with what has been deemed as ‘great news’ of the reversal of a controversial decision for the area.

A 2019 survey and decision to bring a 50 KPH speed sign 100 meters closer to Currow Village has now become one of four reversal decisions in the county.

“Thanks to everyone who came out on a very wet evening on the July 14th in the campaign to show support and to raise concerns in the local press,” said Currow Rural Development Chairman Damien Boyle.

Thanks to the Campaigners

“Thanks also to everyone who took the time to file complaints on what had become a very serious issue for the locality,” he said.

Mr. Boyle also issued a special word of thanks to Cllr. Charlie Farrelly and Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald for their ‘fantastic help’ to the group and community in the course of the campaign.

Reacting to the news Cllr. Fitzgerald and Cllr Farrelly said that they’re delighted to see that the voice of the local community in Currow was heard.

“The people of Currow got together in order to keep their locality as safe as possible for all road users and especially for young people going to the local school and sporting activities etc.

A United Voice

“This goes to show the value and strength of a united voice exercising its democratic right to highlight concerns and to be heard. 

“I was glad to give advice and guidance on the issue. I warmly congratulate the people of Currow and give special thanks to my colleague Cllr. Charlie Farrelly and pay tribute to Damien Boyle and all involved in Currow Rural Development,” said Cllr. Fitzgerald.

Change of Heart

Cllr. Farrelly said that he was particularly glad to get the news this morning of the change of heart on a decision which could have had serious implications for the community on that stretch of roadway.

“I think it’s heartening to think that all the factors that were bothering the community in this case were reconsidered and the result came down on the side of the community. I see it as an ideal compromise where both sides saw the benefits in an agreement and went for it and common sense won out,” said Cllr. Farrelly.

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