Grounds Closure – Public Notice from Castleisland Desmonds GAA Club

Castleisland Desmonds GAA Club PRO, David Nelligan with the news of the closure for up to four months of the club grounds to facilitate a programme of work there .
Work began at Moanmore at the end of last month and the grounds will close until early in the new year to facilitate the improvements and upgrades. Photograph: John Reidy

A public notice for all club members and the community in general, from Castleisland Desmonds GAA Club concerns the closure on this Saturday, October 7th at 1pm of the club grounds at Moanmore, Limerick Road, Castleisland (V92 FK75) for a minimum of four months.

Desmonds GAA Club executive committee members explained that the move is to facilitate the first phase of an upgrade and improvement works at the grounds.

Closed to Public

The works, including pitch upgrading and new lighting structures, means that the grounds will be closed for all public access, including the  walkways and the pitch areas to facilitate the development.

“The upgrades and improvement works will provide enhanced facilities for the club and the development of our future players, members and facilities,” said club PRO, David Nelligan.

Thanks and Apologies

“All at Desmonds GAA Club would like to say a huge thank you to all our main and associate sponsors for your continued support of the club.

“Without this level of support the current developments would be impossible. The club grounds will be closed for a minimum of four months to facilitate the works and we apologise for any inconvenience this will cause to members and the public,” said David.

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