The School Around the Corner from Castleisland and Pat Shortt’s Entertainment from D’Telly

The Telifís Éireann list of programmes from the Sunday night of February 2nd 1964 which included The School Around The Corner with the guests from schools in Castleisland.
Master of the School Around the Corner, Paddy Crosbie with one of his many young guests in a clip from the RTÉ One programme Pat Shortt’s Entertainment from D’Telly Christmas Special on Friday evening.

It was typical of the kind of question that would be asked only in a public house.

I was asked: Do you remember who was on The School Around the Corner the night it came from Castleisland ?

It didn’t actually come from Castleisland but the auditions were held here and the cast was an all Castleisland one.

Paddy Crosbie at The Convent

I remember seeing the programme’s compere, Paddy Crosbie down at the old Presentation Convent National School where myself and a bunch of lads were sent down from ‘The Master’s’ on College Road for what I presume were auditions for the programme.

I couldn’t remember the cast eventually chosen to appear and I couldn’t answer the question with any great degree of certainty – but I promised to find out.

Only recently I tracked down an account of the event – and it was an event at that time as TV was new and exciting and to have locals appearing on it was something else altogether.

Popular Telefís Éireann Programme

The ever reliable Willie Lyons documented the goings-on of the time in Castleisland for The Kerryman notes pages and the programme was well flagged the week before.

Under the headline, CASTLEISLAND ON TV ON SUNDAY he wrote: The popular Telefís Éireann programme ‘The School Around the Corner’ will feature children from Castleisland Schools on Sunday night next. The programme will be shown at 7pm.

That Sunday night was on February 2nd. 1964.

The Castleisland Cast

And, on the week after the programme he wrote and included ‘the cast’ as he called the participants:

“The School Around the Corner had a special appeal for locals on last Sunday evening as the cast were from the town schools.

Those taking part were: Sheila Burke, Sheila Twomey, Aileen Kelliher, Jackie McGaley, Denis Griffin, John Flynn and Joseph Geaney.

I was reminded of the question and of the promise I made on Friday evening during Pat Shortt’s Entertainment from D’Telly Christmas Special which featured a clip of Paddy Crosbie from one of those programmes.

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