Oh Folk – It’s Back with Return Visits and Star Introductions

Tanya McCole who toured with John Prine will be the latest guest artist at the Oh Folk Sessions at the back bar in Browne’s on the coming Saturday night, February 17th at 8pm. For a flavour of her talents please Click on the image or on the link here: https://youtu.be/Tedh1IyncSU

There is a rapid follow up to the February 3rd return visit and sell-out concert by Dubliner, George Murphy to the stage and intimate settings in Browne’s Bar here in Castleisland.

The Oh Folk series is about to introduce local audiences to another performer of verifiable talent on this Saturday night February 17th at Browne’s.

The verification came from none other than the late and very great John Prine thus:

“The world should know about Tanya McCole. I love her voice. She is authentic in every way – and a great road buddy too. Go Tanya, Go.”

Talent Witnessed and Endorsed

Tanya’s talents have also been witnessed and endorsed by another star who would know:

“Tanya is a force to be reckoned with. She is an absolutely phenomenal singer with some seriously powerful gusto and passion, but she can also move the listener to tears with her tender and emotional renditions of her slower songs,” – Sharon Shannon.

Tanya McCole is a native of Ardara, Co. Donegal who moved to London in 1994 and later settled in Galway.

Notable Irish Artists

“She was part of bands like Horny Devils, Black Magic Big Band, and Lewd Tunes. Returning to Donegal in 2005, Tanya collaborated with notable Irish artists like Sharon Shannon and Mundy,” said Oh Folk Sessions founder, Kate McSweeney.

“In 2009, her well-received debut album, Love, Hate & The Blues marked a significant milestone. In 2018 she released Because Of You showcasing a stripped-back style that highlights her distinctive voice.

Tanya toured with Grammy winner John Prine in 2018 and 2020,” said Kate.

Tickets Available at….

“These gigs provide us with a reason to carve time out of busy schedules, sit back, sip and savour some fantastic talent in the lovely local venue that is Browne’s Bar, Castleisland,” said Kate.

Tickets are available for Tanya McCole’s gig at: ticketsource.eu/oh-folk

For info call Kate on: 087 92 28 834 or Annette on: 087 22 66 873.

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