Sunday Was Mid Western Cancer Foundation Walk Day in Castleisland

Family and friends of the local woman who is currently undergoing treatment pictured at the start of the Mid Western Cancer Foundation 5K charity walk on Sunday’s from Castleisland Rugby Club grounds. ©Photograph: John Reidy
Mid Western Cancer Foundation charity walk organiser, Patrick McCarthy pictured with his aunts, Winnie (left) and Catherine and his cousin Nikita Coffey at the gathering point for Sunday’s walk at Castleisland Rugby Club grounds. ©Photograph: John Reidy

A 5K fundraising walk set off from Castleisland Rugby Club grounds on Sunday, February 11th shortly after 1pm.

The walk, in aid of the Cancer Research and Statistic Foundation at the Mid Western Cancer Day Ward in Limerick Hospital, was set in motion by an illness of a local woman who wishes to retain her privacy but wanted to support the work being done by those treating her.

The walk left the rugby club grounds and took in the Black Road route and around by Church Street, before heading back up through the town and finishing back where it started.

Tea, Coffee and Buns

There, tea and coffee and buns were provided for the supporters and walkers.

Organiser, Patrick McCarthy thanked all who took part in the walk and those who donated and facilitated the event.

He also thanked Dan Casey who opened the club house to facilitate the walk and he had a roaring fire down to accommodate the supporters waiting for the walkers to return.

“Donations can be made on the JustGiving page,” said Patrick.

The page can be reached by tapping in the Link here:

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