Registration Open Now for Kerry’s Annual County Clean Up

At the launch of Kerry’s 12th annual County Clean-Up are:  Breda Moriarty, Environmental Awareness Officer and Moira Murrell, Chief Executive, Kerry County Council with Cllr. Jim Finucane, Mayor of Kerry and Tadhg Healy, KWD. Photograph: Pauline Dennigan
Bags of volunteer picked rubbish mounting up at the collection point at Tonbwee was added to (left) by the kind of mentality which calls for days like this in the first place.  Photograph: John Reidy

The 12th annual County Clean Up will take place across the county on Saturday, April 6th and voluntary organisations and individuals across Kerry are invited to get involved in one of the biggest community events of the year in the county.

The County Clean-Up takes place with the support of KWD Recycling and Kerry County Council and over the past decade, hundreds of tonnes of rubbish have been collected alongKerry roads by thousands of volunteers.

Clean-Up Towns and Villages

Cathaoirleach of Kerry County Council, Cllr Jim Finucane urged everyone to participate in the effort to clean up towns, villages and the countryside across Kerry.

“The tremendous effort of volunteers over the past twelve years has made a major contribution to keeping Kerry litter-free. The County Clean Up greatly complements the work which Kerry County Council does all year round to promote environmental awareness and maintain our wonderful landscape.

“Registration is now open at and I hope that local communities will participate in large numbers,” said Cllr. Finnucane.

Proud of Involvement

Noel O’Reilly from KWD said that KWD Recycling is proud to be involved in the County Clean Up which is now in its 12th year.

“It’s a very important day that has made a huge difference on the roads of Kerry and West Cork with thousands of people showing great community spirit,” he said.

Amazing and Diligent Work

Environmental Awareness Officer at Kerry County Council, Breda Moriarty said that the amazing and diligent work of many community groups and individuals for the County Clean Up is admirable.

“Everyone coming together to keep Kerry clean and our roads litter free for a 12th year is fantastic,” said Ms. Moriarty.

Groups taking part in the event must register to ensure they receive a clean-up pack and to nominate a collection points for any litter collected.

Registration can be done with a click on the link here:

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