All Set for Easter Sunday 6am Dawn Mass in Scartaglen

Parish committee member, Dan O’Donoghue brought his grandson Tom Troy on the Good Friday Procession in Castleisland. ©Photograph: John Reidy
On their way to the Good Friday Service in Castleisland were from left: Candela De Pablo, Liz Galwey, Mollie and Tara Fleming and Amber Galwey. ©Photograph: John Reidy 29-3-2024

So accustomed have we become to the almost constant rainfall of the last 10 months that we were delighted to get such a fine Good Friday.

We wondered where this nice, outdoor event accommodating day came from all of a sudden as people made their way from after 2pm out from the town for the second annual pilgrimage on the Priests’ Road – as the old people called it.

I haven’t heard it being referred to as such for a long time and the community centre and Castleisland Community College junction was commonly known as The Priests’ Cross.

And this Good Friday was all about the Cross of Calvary and marking one of the most celebrated and significant days of religious observance world wide.

Gathering at the Presbytery

Since he arrived in Castleisland in July 2019, Fr. Mossie Brick has put his own distinctive stamp on parish affairs and, after Covid time restrictions were lifted, Good Fridays with a difference have become one of his stand-out creations and he has brought the people with him.

For the past couple of years his parishioners here have been encouraged to gather at the presbytery at around 2.30pm for a procession of the cross from there to the parish church.

Jerome Sheehy as Cross Bearer

The procession is led by a cross-bearer and the Rosary is recited en route to the church for Liturgy at 3pm with a commemoration of the time that Jesus died on the Cross.

Last year, Michael Murphy of Glounsharoon was the cross bearer and this year Jerome Sheehy made himself available to lead the procession to the church for the Good Friday Liturgy: The Liturgy of the Word, the Veneration of the Cross, and Holy Communion.

On arrival at the church the musical bell pealed out with Were You There When They Crucified My Lord.

Stations of the Cross

Later in the evening, traditionally, the Stations of the Cross are made and there’s time for private prayer on your own until 12midnight in the church.

On this Easter Saturday night Vigil on March 30th. 2024 at 8pm with Mass and ceremonies for the Vigil of Easter in Castleisland Parish Church only.

Easter Sunday Dawn Mass in Scart

Now, all are hoping for the good weather to stretch over Easter Sunday morning from 6am onwards in Scartaglen for its first dawn Mass at the village cemetery.

People who need to sit down during the Mass are advised to bring a chair or something to sit on.

Easter Sunday Mass Times: in Cordal at 9am. in Scartaglen at 10.15am and in Castleisland at 11.30am.”

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