There will be a Special Exam Mass for all the Junior and Leaving Cert Students and their families in Castleisland Parish Church on this Wednesday evening, May 29th at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
Best wishes go to all the second level students who are sitting exams this year with a reminder that everyone is behind them in their efforts and no matter what problems they face there is lots of advice and help available and it’s good to talk things through.
Graveyard Mass on Friday
The first of the series of summer time Graveyard Masses for this year will take place in Maher’s side of Kilbanivane on this Friday evening, May 31st at 8pm.
Corpus Christi Procession
The annual Corpus Christi Procession will take place in the Nun’s Garden after the 6.15pm Mass on the coming Saturday, June 1st.
“We particularly encourage First Holy Communion children and their parents to participate.
The Latin word Corpus Christi translates to Body of Christ and it is a public declaration of our belief in the Blessed Sacrament,” said a message from the parish office.
‘The Procession’ has always been one of the special days in the calendar of Castleisland events and more so for the Holy Communion classes down through generations of years.
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