‘Christ the Redeemer’ Image Transports Rob from Kilsarcon to Rio de Janeiro

‘Christ the Redeemer’ salutes The Kingdom. Photograph taken at Kilsarcon Graveyard by Robert McGuire.
Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro which prompted Rob McGuire’s flash of inspiration on seeing the sunset from Kilsarcon graveyard.

We set out this morning with a remarkable photograph that was taken at the other end of the day and I”l let the photographer set out its obvious merits.

“By chance I captured this unique photograph in Kilsarcon between Currow and Scartaglen. The sunset resembles the infamous Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil.

“Some people might think I have an over active imagination. Nevertheless, it is a lovely photo.

“Considering the passing on of so many key Castleisland people in recent weeks, I thought it might be nice to publish it,” – Robert McGuire, Currow.

Hanging around graveyards isn’t a bit odd or strange for Robert as he’s an archaeologist of note and the man who brought the story of our beloved castle remains to the attention of a world wide audience through clips from his video documentary.

As an added bonus to the photograph, Rob has also applied his field of specialty and provided us with the historical background to the graveyard in question:

Kilsarkon Church and Graveyard

The site of Kilsarkon church and graveyard has witnessed numerous sunsets throughout its long and enduring past. I was lucky enough to have recently captured this magnificent sunset. The dramatic sunset bears a striking resemblance to the infamous Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro.

Based on placename evidence, it is plausible that the first church in Kilsarcon (cell/church of Sarcon) was established by a revered Christian named Sarcon.

On archaeological evidence, the site has experienced several phases of occupation overtime, from the early Christian era (400-800 AD) to the medieval period (1150-1550 AD).

The site of Kilsarcon church is a unique, picturesque and special place. The local area is immersed in archaeological sites, history and folklore.

Considering the legacy of Christian devotion and worship here, it is perhaps appropriate that such a ‘Christ the Redeemer like’ resemblance was perceived in the locality.

Long may the ‘Church of Sarcon’ bear witness to such sunsets.”

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