Sinn Féin TD Expresses Concern Over Lack of Communication on Ballymullen Barracks

Sinn Féin TD for Kerry Pa Daly (left) with Castleisland LEA candidate Deirdre Bell at her campaign launch on March 5th in Knocknagoshel with former Kerry TD Martin Ferris. 

Sinn Féin TD for Kerry, Pa Daly, has expressed his concern over a lack of communication from government over supposed plans for IPAS to use Ballymullen Barracks.

Teachta Daly said that a news article released yesterday has led to rampant speculation, something that is extremely unhelpful and negative in the current climate.

“As an elected representative, I was hopeful the government would be responsive to my requests for information and a full briefing. A response has, so far, not been forthcoming,” he said today.

Failure in Accommodation Planning

“The failings of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Greens in planning for accommodation needs, a shortage of GPs and other issues within rural towns and villages such as Tralee has brought many situations to the point of crisis.

“The government had a plan but failed spectacularly to implement it. We are obliged to accommodate those who are genuine asylum seekers, and facilitate those who are not in leaving as soon as their application has been processed.

“The government is failing to do this and communities deserve full disclosure of the facts,” said Teachta Daly.

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