Dé hAoine Seo Chaite – Lá An-Speisialta ar Fad sa Scoil Íde, Curranes

Members of the Coiste Gaeilge: Ellen Lenihan, Abigail Walsh Kelleher, Noah Kerins, Aoibhlin McMahon, Liam Stack, Lily Rose Tarrant and Fintan Brosnan, pictured with Aine Ní Scanláin from Gael Linn during Friday’s Lá Mór at Scoil Íde / Curranes National School.
Prize Winners in the Scríobh Leabhar creative writing competition pictured with Aine Ní Scanláin from Gael Linn. Included are: Alex Guerin Ryan, Connie Brosnan, Abigail Walsh Kelleher, Alana Walmsley, Malwina Marut, Emily Murphy, Mai Black and Cillian Morrissey.
Tá an job déanta and tá an Ghaelbrath suas san aer ag Scoil Íde / Curranes National School on Friday. Pupils are joined by Principal Emer Nelligan (right) and Aine Ní Scanláin, Gael Linn.

The staff of Scoil Íde / Curranes National School recently got the great news that the school has been awarded the Gaelbhratach or Irish Flag Award and the news made Friday’s official presentation of the flag a lá an speisialta ar fad.

The Gaelbhratach is awarded by Gael Linn to primary schools in the Republic of Ireland that place a particular emphasis on the teaching and promotion of the Irish language.

The school has been working towards this prestigious award for the past two years.

Representatives from Gael Linn visited the school on a number of occasions over the two-year period to offer support and guidance to the school in its quest for the achievement of this award.

Whole School Involvement

“All classes from junior infants to sixth class were involved and a particular emphasis was placed on scéalaíocht, drámaíocht, amhránaíocht agus filíocht na Gaeilge,” said Principal Emer Nelligan.

The school made an investment in Irish library resources for all classes from from beginners to sixth class.

Representatives from the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) visited the school last year and recorded pupils participating in Reader’s Theatre as Gaeilge – a fun reading initiative that promotes reading fluency.

“Each individual pupil from third to sixth class wrote their own personal storybook for a project called Scríobh Leabhar.

Winning Entry in All Categories

“Scríobh Leabhar is a project that provides primary school pupils with the opportunity to write, design and publish their own books in Irish,” said Ms. Nelligan.

“The aim of the project is to promote the reading and writing of Irish among primary school pupils and Curranes N.S. had a winning entry in each of the class categories.

Pupils and Staff Congratulated

“Áine Ní Scanláin from Gael Linn visited the school on Friday last June 14th. to congratulate the pupils and staff on their achievements and she helped the pupils to raise the Gaelbhratach. All pupils who participated in the Scríobh Leabhar project were presented with a certificate from Foras na Gaeilge and the parents’ association provided an ice-cream van on the day to mark this very special occasion for the whole school,” said the delighted príomhoide.

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