Fatherly Advice at Opening of Business in 1954 recalled at 70th Anniversary at Divanes

Everything stops for tea: Enjoying the 70th celebrations at Divanes Kerry on Killarney Road, Castleisland on Friday morning were from left: Castleisland Community College Principal Teresa Landers; An Riocht AC Health and Leisure Manager Lisa Horgan with Divanes Kerr office staff members, Maria Brosnan and Kathleen Daly. ©Photograph: John Reidy

Fashion you can buy, but style you’re born with it. What else could you say about how Divanes Castleisland go about their business with that vein of style running through every thing they do.

The long established Killarney Road business has celebrated many milestones since Stanley Divane opened his garage there on Christmas Eve 1954.

Milestones are and have been meticulously marked and minded at every opportunity down the years through features on the run of in-house calendars and, on Friday last, with a gathering at the now Stanley Divane Pavilion across the road from where it all began in ’54.

Nugget of Fatherly Advice

With a nugget of fatherly advice to guide him, Stanley knuckled down to business and soon forged links with VW – links that have been tempered to endure to this day.

On Friday at their Killarney Road headquarters Divanes celebrated the 70th anniversary of that Christmas Eve 1954 launch of its continuing existence with a gathering of management, staff, friends and neighbours and VW Ireland top brass.

With the style he possess, the kind that can’t be bought, Denis Divane looked no further that his immediate locality for the touches that make him and the business unique.

Catering by The Forge / Mugs by Delia

The catering was done by The Forge and Courtney Roche filled an efficient, ambassadorial role for the Market Cross / Back of the Forge based restaurant throughout the busy morning.

And coffee mugs, set apart by their town of origin and castle outline, were commissioned from the Upper Main Street based Delia’s Pottery for the visiting guests.

The advice that Stanley Divane got from his father as he was about to take that giant leap was: “Mind what’s going on in your own field and don’t be looking over the ditch at what the other fella is doing.”

Mind your own business – in other words. He did and, signs on, the business that carries his name is still going strong to this day 70 years on.

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