River Island Cards Sunday Night Results as Cordal 31 Games are Back on Wednesday Night

John O’Connell with the results of the weekly Sunday night  games at the River Island Hotel and from next week he’ll be including the results from the returning Cordal Community Centre 31 games. 

The Wednesday night, weekly 31 card game at Cordal Community Centre will resume on the coming Wednesday night, October 2nd. 2024 at 9pm sharp.

The organisers are looking forward to welcoming everyone back for the weekly game of 31.

“The games help us to insure the centre and contribute to running the community Christmas party. Please join us for a game of cards, a mug of tea and biscuits,” said spokesman John O’Connell.
Meanwhile the Sunday night results from the River Island games are as follows: 

First: John and Mike O’Connell. Second: Bridie Guerin and Betty Biggane. Ladies: Maureen Fitzgerald and Sheila Breen. Gents: Dan Buckley and Tom Brennan. Mixed: Johnny and Ann McGillicuddy, Margaret Angland and Tom Walsh.

Spots: Paul and Joe Geaney, Gene Guerin and John O’Sullivan, Dermot O’Donoghue and Denis Geaney.

Cards continue at the River Island Hotel every Sunday night at 9pm sharp.

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