An Ríocht 50/50 Draw Prize Goes to Currans and Couch to 5K Returns

The An Ríocht AC draw crew: Joe Walsh, Denis Brosnan and Bill Costello at Circle K with draw host Deirdre McGaley. Photograph: Cathleen Reidy

An Ríocht AC 50/50 Draw took place at Circle K on Tralee Road of Friday. Ciarán Fleming was unavailable to pick up his €530 cheque from last week.

Deirdre McGaley was on hand to pull the winning ticket and James Scanlon from Currans was the winner of €540.

Next week’s draw will be on Horse Fair Day on Friday, November 1st and, appropriately enough, at The Forge Market Store.

Couch to 5K To Return on November 4th

In other An Ríocht AC news: the popular Couch to 5K is set to return to a tartan track near you from Monday, November 4th at 7.15pm and on Thursday 7th at 6pm.

The programme of community bonding, walking, jogging and gentle exercise will run twice weekly for six weeks.

The six week block of two sessions per week can be booked for €30 or you can pay €3 at the gate per session.

“We are hoping that the earlier 6pm session on Thursdays will suit people better” said Lisa Horgan An Ríocht manager.

“The focus will be on building up fitness nice and easy up to Christmas and then for the new year a goal will be set for a 5K event in early spring. We’re hope to see a big turn out on Monday, November 4th. and we ask that children who attend will be supervised at all times by parents/guardians,” said Lisa.

Open Singing Session with Joe

Apart from his golfing prowess, Joe Walsh would like you all to know that he has many more irons in the fire.

Joe is issuing an open invitation to everyone who likes to sing or listen to take part in the Open

Singing Session which he is hosting in Con’s Bar in The River Island Hotel at 4pm on this Sunday, October 27th. in conjunction with this weekend’s Patrick O’Keeffee Traditional Music Festival.

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