Women Photographers Rise to Claim Timothy Murphy Memorial Competition Prizes

The Late Timothy Murphy (1947 – 2023) was an avid local historian, photographer and photo collector. ©Photograph: John Reidy 21-2-2021

In the fall of the year just gone Castleisland Community Museum called for entries for a photographic competition it organised in memory of the late Timothy Murphy, local historian, photographer and photo collector.

The competition was open to all budding, experienced or occasional snappers and the deadline for entries was set at November 10th. 2024.

All categories and kinds of images were welcome with the inclusion of a title or caption and a contact number.

Over 40 Entries

Just over 40 entries came in and after the closing date all the images were sorted for adjudication and the information / identity was taken from them to ensure ‘transparency’ and that the adjudicator won’t know the origins of the images.

The late Timothy Murphy (1947 – 2023) who captured the daily life of Castleisland for several decades and generations also used his archive and images to raise serious amounts of money for local charitable organisations with shows of his work through his trusty slide projector and large white screen.

Slide Shows in Halls and Centres

These shows, in halls and centres throughout the town, were often tinged with nostalgia and humour as his audience joined in the banter with local character identification, comments and information on what was popping up on his screen.

It’s fitting that I’m writing this on Nollaig na mBan / Women’s Christmas as three women have emerged winners in the competition. Two as joint winners in the senior category and one as winner in the student section.

Levels of Art and Beauty

An adjudicator’s report praised the level of art and beauty to be found throughout the selection process and the report went on the say that any of a number of the ‘beautiful photographs could have been chosen as winners.’

With a weakness for documentary style pictures, the votes went to the photograph of the Foran brothers, Johnny and Mikey turning their turf on the local Wild Goose Bog by Breda Pembroke. And, for its sheer beauty, peace and colour, for Sheila Hanrahan’s Time for a Kit Kat.

Then for the student competition, the vote went to Northern Lights by Scartaglen’s Ruby Kate Horgan a student at Castleisland Community College.

Nollaig Na mBan agus Lá Fhéile Bríde

In honour of the strong female entry to the competition the organisers, as well as announcing the winners on Nollaig Na mBan, will present the certificates to winners on Lá Fhéile Bríde / St. Brigid’s Day, February 1st at the Castleisland Community Museum on a time to be decided in consultation with the winning photographers.

The organisers wish to thank all for taking the time to enter the competition and the adjudicating panel for its deliberations and advice.

You can contact The Maine Valley Post on… Anyone in The Maine Valley Post catchment area who would like to send us news and captioned photographs for inclusion can send them to: jreidy@mainevalleypost.com Queries about advertising and any other matters regarding The Maine Valley Post can also be sent to that address or just ring: 087 23 59 467.