Heroics of Those Who Go Above and Beyond Applauded

HSE administrative staff member, Sheila Heery is ideally placed to log an overview of the heroics performed by the various service providers to vulnerable residents in and around her adopted village of Brosna. Background photograph of Brosna by Ellen Cronin.

One of Brosna’s newest residents, Sheila Heery wondered in written words if she could give a ‘shout out’ to the Abbeyfeale District Search and Rescue and Ballybunion Coast Guard Unit and to the HSE Home Help Services and sisters Brigid (BB) Murphy and Karen Curtin.

Sheila said that the coast guard unit continues to ferry the home helpers to and from the homes of the vulnerable in their time of need.

The sisters Brigid and Karen and services manager, Eileen O’Sullivan didn’t just perform their everyday duties but they have all gone over and above the call of duty in this time of crisis and emergency.

She also sent the names of the Ballybunion unit members: Garry Kavanagh and Paddy O’Leary and the Fealesiders as follows: Nick Pleavin, Christy Kelleher, Eddie Ahern, Andrew Kelleher and Michael Kelleher.

Sheila credits these groups, among others, for coming to the rescue of vulnerable people in the Brosna area during the week and, as a HSE administrative staff member, she is in a better position than most to appreciate the lengths these people go to behind the scenes – and when the going gets as tough as it has been since the weekend.

“They transferred elderly people to respite as these people were dependent on electrical beds and hoists and Home Help Services which could not operate due to the weather,” said Sheila.

Electrical and Water Outages

“The electrical and water outages of the past five days made it unsafe for them to remain in their own homes.

“These teams were invaluable, and the work they do on a voluntary basis in extreme conditions needs to be acknowledged and applauded

“We don’t realise how much we need them until something like this happens,” she concluded.

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