Castleisland Community College received a new year bonus having won equipment worth €2,000 for taking part in the Ideas Made Real Printing Challenge.
The school won a 3D printer, microbit coding packs, electronic components and electronic kits.
The transition year students took part in the competition under the guidance of Engineering teacher Bill Keane Construction Studies teacher JJ Herlihy.
The Ideas Made Real 3D Printing Challenge is in association with ALPS Electric Ireland Ltd. in Millstreet and the Irish Manufacturing Research Industry.
Bridging Industry Needs Gap
“The competition is designed to bridge the gap between curriculum and industry needs and to create an awareness of the potential of a career in STEM,” said Mr.Keane.
“Students create, innovate, pioneer new technologies and make their ideas real. We are delighted with our new equipment for the school,” he said.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) is strongly promoted in the school.
Transition Year Guidance
“Stem Week took place in December and as part of the week, transition year students facilitated a practical workshop for all first year students.
The first years received engineering kits to make up with help and guidance from the Transition years,’ said acting principal, Mairéad Corridon.
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