Minister Foley Confirms New Facilities for St.Patrick’s Secondary School

Minister for Education, Norma Foley, TD pictured with current St. Patrick’s Secondary School Principal Tim Long (left) and then Pincipal Denis O’Donovan, during her recent visit there in 2021. Today, Minister Foley announced a huge programme of additions and refurbishment for the school.

Minister for Education and Kerry T.D. Norma Foley has today confirmed that initial project approval has been given for new school facilities for St Patrick’s Secondary School here in Castleisland.

The school will get a new mainstream classroom. This is in addition to another recent project to reconfigure accommodation in the school to create a new graphics room.

…And There’s More

Approval has also been granted for the reconfiguration of rooms in its school building to accommodate a special class and a refurbishment of the home economics room.

Minister Foley said that this is an exciting new development.

“It will support the excellent work that happens every single day in St Patrick’s secondary school. I look forward to seeing the works progressing in a timely fashion,” she said.

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