The children of Curranes National School Castleisland were getting muddy and enjoying the school garden, thanks to the support of Cara Credit Union.
Curranes N.S. was one of five primary schools randomly selected by the Credit Union to participate in its biodiversity initiative.
The initiative, now in its third year, promotes biodiversity and ecological awareness in young children in the community.
The project, in co-operation with Tralee Bay Wetlands Ecology Park, seeks to give children knowledge and hands-on experience of outdoor learning and the importance of protecting the environment.
Teaching Ecological Awareness
“Children love to get outdoors” said the school principal, Emer Nelligan:
“We were delighted to hear we had been selected to participate in this round of the programme and we are very grateful to Cara Credit Union for the trees, fruit bushes, and the experience of working with ecologists to improve the school environment to benefit nature and the
“We are very conscious of teaching ecological awareness and sustainable living to our pupils. We look forward to the harvest in the years ahead,” said Ms. Nelligan.
Philip Lynch, marketing officer with Cara Credit Union said that Cara Credit Union is committed to investing in projects which create a positive impact on climate change and enhance environmental protection.
Investing in our Collective Future
“By working with our local primary schools and Tralee Bay Wetlands Ecology Park we are investing in our collective future,” said Philip.
The Cara Credit Union based project was designed in conjunction with Mary O’Connor manager of Tralee Bay Wetlands Ecology Park.
Ms. O’Connor said that they were delighted when Cara Credit Union approached them and asked for our advice on how best they could create an initiative with schools that would have a long-lasting effect on biodiversity with real benefits to pupils and their schools.
“Our ecologist’s proposed a talk where pupils would learn all about the soil and how to plant trees, a life enhancing skill that will enhance their lives and the school’s natural environment.
Commitment to Pro-active Change
“We were delighted to see Cara Credit Union’s acknowledgement of the biodiversity and the climate crises and their commitment to pro-active change.
“It’s been a pleasure working on this project with Cara Credit Union and their determination to progress an initiative that will see schools in their common bond areas receiving the gift of learning to plant combined with seeing their tree and fruit bushes bear fruit each season through Cara Credit Union’s vision,” Mary Concluded.
The five school selected for this term were: Curranes National School; Scoil Naomh Gobnait Dún Chaoin; Scoil Eoin, Balloonagh, Tralee; Glounaguillagh National School, Caragh Lake and Bouleensheire National School, Ballyheigue.
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