“There is a great Christmas buzz around the town at present and what better way to kick off Christmas Week than to attend the annual Carol Service which takes place in the Church of Saints Stephen and John on this Monday night, December 21st at 7.30pm,” said choir spokesperson, Mary Walsh.
Donations at the Door
“Proceeds, which will be gathered through donations at the door on the night , will go to Glebe Lodge. We have received many compliments over the past year on the quality of our warbling with people coming especially to hear us from outside the parish as well as our local community.
“The choir will be performing all the well known carols as well as some lesser known and unusual ones with some beautiful harmonies and solo performances from choir members.
Full Church Makes the Occasion
“A full church makes the occasion and we’re hoping for a big crowd on the night. We are asking people to spread the word as we’re often told ‘We never knew it was on. We’re sorry to have missed it.’
“So, bring along the family, a friend or visitors. A cushion might be handy but the performance should last only an hour at most. Put Monday 21st in the diary and don’t be lamenting the fact that your missed a great night! Christmas Cracker Talent Show 2015,” Mary concluded.