Do yourself a favour and have a look at this documentary about West Kerry musician, Breanndán Ó Beaglaoich and his fifteen year battle with Kerry County Council to build a small traditional home in his ancestral village on the Dingle Peninsula.
Over the hour or so he highlights how he was threatened with jail and a fine of an inexplicable and intimidating sum of €12m.
He speaks honestly as an teanga áitiúil álainn throughout, and using English only when and where absolutely necessary.
He explained his plight and the much broader fight to save our culture, music, heritage and language. And listen out for Breanndán’s comparison between himself and the horse which just didn’t give a phuc.
Beaglaoich – Small Hero
I heard the name Beaglaoich broken down as two words one time: Beag as small and Laoich as hero.The name can be broken down but the man couldn’t as those who stubbornly tangled with him now know.
Shouldn’t there be a play or a song about all this ?
And shouldn’t there be another investigation into where the figure of €12m was plucked from and who’s the plucker who plucked it. Sound man, Breanndán.
See the inspiring documentary with a click on the link here:
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