Brosna to Castleisland Road Closure Delayed Until January 13th

Bad weather, health and safety concerns and common sense were to the fore in this week’s decision to postpone the closure of the Brosna to Castleisland road to facilitate water mains replacement works from Ballymacadam. ©Photographs: John Reidy

A call came in from Cllr. Charlie Farrelly earlier to advise concerned constituents that the proposed closure of the L-2030 Brosna to Castleisland road, which was due from Monday of this week for a month, has been postponed until next Monday, January 13th.

Notice for this closure was given at the end of the year under section 75 of the Roads Act 1993 and the Temporary Closing of Roads Regulations 1994 and to facilitate the laying of new water mains from the Ballymacadam area into Castleisland.

Weather Causing Havoc

The current bout of harsh weather is causing havoc in high, rural areas on th hills around us and Cllr. Farrelly said that after having made numerous requests since the weather broke he was informed that the the main contractors have agreed to defer the closure of the Brosna to Castleisland road until next Monday.

Hazardous Conditions on Rural Roads

“This postponement is because of the hazardous conditions that drivers would face on rural roads being used for diversions. Their safety couldn’t be be guaranteed on those roads over the next few days,” said Cllr. Farrelly.

“I really welcome this sensible decision and I would like to thank our local Kerry County Council Engineer Jimmy O’Leary for his help on this serious matter of health and safety,” he said.

Revised Road Closing Times

The impacted and revised road closure times will now be from 8am on Monday, January 13th to the second week of March 2025. This will be a round the clock 24 hour closure between the dates stated.

Alternative routes will be posted later.

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