River Island Hotel Card Players Present €5,000 Gift to Charities

River Island Hotel Card Players Present €5,000 Gift to Charities

A group which gathers weekly to play 31 is loosely known as The River Island Hotel Card Players. They meet every Sunday night at 9pm and they have been doing so since the mid 1990s. The group which began this run of Sunday night games has moved house several times since and has survived to…

Card Players’ Generosity Still Yielding for Charities

Card Players’ Generosity Still Yielding for Charities

With little or no fanfare, ballyhoo or bother, a small committee with a big following donates thousands of Euros each year to local charities. Flash mob presentations are organised when the pot is full and the collected funds are then distributed accordingly. To date, the committee and its Sunday night, River Island Hotel card playing…