Pope Francis and Cllr. Bobby – The Update

Pope Francis and Cllr. Bobby – The Update

Do you remember last December I told you that Cllr. Bobby O’Connell put down a notice of motion at a Kerry County Council meeting which was held in the community centre in Milltown. Cllr. Bobby’s motion was short and sweet and it read: “That Kerry County Council put in place proposals to invite Pope Francis…

Noel Browne Overwhelmed by Civic Reception

Noel Browne Overwhelmed by Civic Reception

After Coolavanny Bingo won the National Coursing Derby in Powerstown Park in Clonmel last February, newspapers compared its significance to the best Kerry football had ever achieved in its long association with Croke Park glory. ‘Bingo’ showed all the attributes of a true champion most notably speed, stamina and a willingness to win – according…