Scart Drama Group Back on Friday March 3rd

Scart Drama Group Back on Friday March 3rd

The real story of drama in Scart over the past couple of weeks was the pressure to put on extra nights as the local group’s adaptation of Sharon’s Grave drew housefuls from all quarters. Not for the first time did the work of the late John B.Keane and an able drama group pack a hall…

Basketball: St. Mary’s Ladies Win in Thriller

Basketball: St. Mary’s Ladies Win in Thriller

Our division two ladies had a thriller of a game against KCYMS on Thursday at Castleisland Community Centre. The sides were neck and neck throughout. By: Liz Galwey St. Mary’s led 10 points to six at the end of the first but KCYMS stayed with it throughout. St. Mary’s had a spread of scores in…

Sharon’s Grave to Open in Scart on Friday Night

Sharon’s Grave to Open in Scart on Friday Night

This year’s stage production from the Scartaglin based Sliabh Luachra Drama Group is Sharon’s Grave by John B. Keane. The play will open at the village heritage centre this weekend and run over Friday, Saturday and Sunday, February 3rd. 4th. and 5th. and on the following weekend on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10th. 11th. and…

Noisy Neighbours Doing their November Movember on Saturday Night

Noisy Neighbours Doing their November Movember on Saturday Night

Hughes Bar Noisy Neighbours’ group members are busily growing their moustaches for their big shave off the coming Saturday night, November 26th at 9.30pm at the Cordal emporium of sociability and fun. So far it’s a ‘men only’ line-up – but God is good. Since its formation in 2011, the group has raised over €49,600…

Lennox Robinson’s Far Off Hills to be staged in Scart

Lennox Robinson’s Far Off Hills to be staged in Scart

Sliabh Luachra Drama group presents ‘Far Off Hills’ by Lennox Robinson at the Heritage Centre in Scartaglin over the next two weekends. Opening night is this Friday, February 5th and it will continue on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th and on the following week on: Thursday, Friday and Sunday nights of February 11th, 12th and…