The Mad Ones – From Expo to Exposure

The Mad Ones – From Expo to Exposure

There they were, minding their own business at this month’s Bank of Ireland Enterprise Town Expo when they came to the attention of Upfront front woman, Orla Diffily. Now The Mad Ones boutique, its clothes and outfits will appear on the RTÉ One Today Show with Daithí Ó Sé and Maura Derrane tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday,…

Latin Quarter Listing Post Lifted Today

Latin Quarter Listing Post Lifted Today

Maybe the wheels of officialdom grind slowly. But grind they do. After a crucial signpost in the Latin Quarter got a slap of a trailer on St. Patrick’s Day it remained in a listing position ever since. While it was left leaning towards the directions it was designed to point to, it was at an…

The Listing Post in The Latin Quarter

The Listing Post in The Latin Quarter

Nothing draws the ire of Tidy Towns adjudicators like neglected street furniture such as: flower beds, seating, old telephone kiosks, lamp-posts and anything else you can think of along those lines. It’s unfair on local volunteers up and around the country. But, it’s a fact. Castleisland has one outstanding example at the moment. There may…

The Mad Ones Launch in The Latin Quarter Today

The Mad Ones Launch in The Latin Quarter Today

There are omens and signs out there in the greater scheme of things and beyond the scope of our normal sense of understanding. They’re the kind of tokens of assurance people involved in ventures and adventures often look for when embarking on their particular journeys. Three local women, collectively known as The Mad Ones had…

The late Phil Griffin – A Tribute by Denis Brosnan

The late Phil Griffin – A Tribute by Denis Brosnan

The recent passing and funeral of Phil Griffin of the Latin Quarter provided yet another example of the closeness of the community and the neighbourliness of the those who grew up there and around the Barrack Street area. Native, Denis Brosnan wrote an obituary years ago for the late Paddy Hussey and life around his…