Deputy Danny’s Dáil Diary

Deputy Danny’s Dáil Diary

An email from Kerry TD Danny  Healy Rae outlines the busy week he had in Dáil Éireann and the home related issues he raised with the various ministers. Have a read down along and you’ll find that Castleisland Horse Fair Day and World Fiddle Day in Scartaglin were mentioned in the Dáil. Good man Danny.…

Sliabh Luachra Influence Handed Down in Holland

Sliabh Luachra Influence Handed Down in Holland

God be good to Con Houlihan. When Peter Browne interviewed him some years ago on matters of rushy mountains and racy music the result was encrusted with gems of wit and wisdom. One of them was when the RTÉ presenter asked him about the exact boundaries of the original rushy mountain – Sliabh Luachra! The…

They’re here ! – The Fiddlers !

They’re here ! – The Fiddlers !

It would take the bees to give us an apt description of the atmosphere here in Castleisland last night. Yes, you guessed , it was buzzing. At the River Island Hotel, from shortly after 7-30pm, it was a case of standing room only as raging hot favorites, Nora Fealey and Paddy White waltzed away with…

Photo Files Filtered for Fiddle Day

Photo Files Filtered for Fiddle Day

World Fiddle Day Kerry founder member, PJ Teahan asked me to show a handful of the photographs I’ve taken of music related events and people down through the past 30 odd years. I’ve compiled a collection of 50 which will be shown in a slide show at 6-30pm on Saturday evening. This will happen amid…

Enter the Final Countdown for World Fiddle Day 2015

Enter the Final Countdown for World Fiddle Day 2015

There are people packing ruck-sacks and fiddle cases in various parts of the world right now with an imaginary ‘Destination Scart’ tag dangling away somewhere in their focused minds. There are tunes arranged for Peter Browne’s and Tom McCarthy’s bars on Friday night as a warming up exercise and crowds are expected at these venues…

Council to move on Scartaglin on Tuesday – Mayor Culloty

Council to move on Scartaglin on Tuesday – Mayor Culloty

As the count-down to World Fiddle Day enters its final decade of days there is an intense focus on the village of Scartaglin and its appearance. Last week we got a notification from Tom Fleming TD and proof of representations he has made to Kerry County Council on behalf of his native village and his…

Scart to undergo Transformation Operation for World Fiddle Day

Scart to undergo Transformation Operation for World Fiddle Day

I got notification from Deputy Tom Fleming during the week which informs us that his native village is plucking every string possible to have the place bristling for May 16th and its hosting of World Fiddle Day. “Regarding PJ Teahan and his friends organising of the World Fiddle Day 16th May in Scartaglin and Castleisland,…

Music in the Micro Tourism Mix

Music in the Micro Tourism Mix

They’d be talking about tourism and what works and what doesn’t. There are people being paid vulgar sums of money to promote and sustain a culture here in Ireland and in an ever changing global market. Right under our noses and right here at home we have some shining examples of people doing just that…

All Sails Aloft for World Fiddle Day Celebrations in Kerry

All Sails Aloft for World Fiddle Day Celebrations in Kerry

Excitement is mounting these days in traditional music circles in the locality and out beyond.  It’s particularly so among the huge numbers of fiddle players and their music loving followers therein. The weekend here in the Castleisland and Scartaglin areas will see a gathering of fiddle players and their disciples the like of which was…