A clarion call has gone out through hill and valley to all parents, grandparents, guardians, teachers and past pupils from Muire Gan Smál Primary School.
Chairperson of the school’s parents’ association, Avril Geaney issued the call as the outdoor sheds are in need of a bit of a boost.
“The outdoor sheds at Muire Gan Smál are in serious need of a lick of paint and we are looking for volunteers to help us paint the junior school yard shed and walls around the school,” said Avril.
Hourly Time Slots from 3pm to 8pm
The participants in this great paint-in are due to gather at the school on the coming Thursday, June 17th for just an hour at a time if the weather permits.
“We have time slots available from 3 to 4pm, 4 to 5pm, 5 to 6pm and 7 to 8pm. All paint and brushes have been generously donated by Browne’s Home, Agri and Builder Providers and all we need is you.
Please Contact…
If you are interested in helping out please contact: Muire Gan Smál Principal Seamus Moynihan on 066-7141147 / Email: principal@muiregansmal.ie or chairperson of the parents’ association, Avril O’Sullivan on: 087 9437426 / Email: avrilgeaney@gmail.com
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