Brosna GAA Club and Parish News Round-Up

Brosna GAA Club PRO, Mariéad Moriarty with all the news from the club and parish while looking forward to a joyful Sunday evening.  Contact Mairéad on: 086 85 96 409 or by Email:

Well, All Ireland Final weekend looms. The frayed nerves are already sizzling in anticipation of a cruncher game against Dublin.

The format is something like this, the scramble for tickets, the booking of pillow space on a distant relative’s sofa somewhere in the greater Dublin area, the pre-match foray into the heart of the enemy camp on Saturday night, the smell of frying onions from burger vans on the walk to Croke Park on Sunday morning, the sound of the Hill roiling like a volcano before eruption, the cheer from Kerry as our esteemed captain raises Sam – hopefully.

So much gets packed into a weekend. Travel safe everyone, enjoy the experience, and bring home Sam. Yerra, himself and Liam McC like being neighbours, it would be a shame to separate them. 

Month’s Mind Mass For Joan

A month’s mind Mass for the late Joan Cussen, nee O’Shea will be celebrated in the Church of St. Carthage in Brosna at 7pm on Friday evening. Photograph: John Reidy

On Friday evening at 7pm there is a Month’s Mind mass in Brosna for Joan Cussen, nee O’Shea.

Joan was born and raised in Brosna. A gentle, kind person, loved by all who knew her.

She has many relations and friends in the parish and it’s wonderful that we have an opportunity to join in her Mass and bring support to her family at this time. Rest in peace, Joan.

Mass in The Graveyard

Fr. Spillane likes to bring God into the natural world.

I must say, it’s very fitting to join in the celebration of the Mass with a blackbird choir and the sky as a roof; greater than any domed cathedral. Join Fr Spillane on Friday, August 4th at 7pm there for Mass in the New Cemetery. 

Congratulating the Neighbours

The Liam McCarthy Cup is clearly enjoying its time in Co Limerick as it shows no signs of wanting to venture eastwards.

What a stunning performance by Limerick on Sunday. The final had all the tension, drama and intensity you would hope for a final.

And the display of scoring in the last 10 minutes of the game, defies description. Long may this great team reign. Enjoy your victory, Limerick, so well deserved.

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